Three action items for your development plan
In the world of nonprofit fundraising, one certainty is seeing job descriptions tasking the new head of fundraising with creating a development plan. This begs the question, for me, of if they already have one, and if not, why?
A development plan is critical in fundraising success. If you’re not in the world of nonprofit fundraising, equate this to a business plan or an action plan.
At Altrui we have written dozens of development/fundraising plans, and in many cases we support their implementation.
Here are three action items that will benfit your new plan:
- Break down revenue areas based on your budget. If your budget has a line item for indivudal giving, have an area for that in your plan. Foundation giving? Same thing. And so on.
- Include specific actions for specific team members, whether they are on your fundraising team or are programs folks, or board members. Everyone can play a part in fundraising. For example, on the page for individual giving, who is charged with the success of that area?
- Ensure there is capacity to work on anything included in the plan. Take time to consider capacity with every revenue area. This will make a huge difference when implementing it.
There are many more actions to take while working on your development plan, and I’ll get to those another time.
Best wishes with you plan!