Running again at 56
Slowly getting back to it.
I’ve never considered myself a runner, or an athlete. In middle school I ran track, the high and low hurdles. When I quit smoking in my early 20’s I started running just to clear out my lungs.
When I was 48 I ran my first half marathon. It was part of the Colfax Marathon and I had decided to run it to fundraise for a nonprofit I was working for. I loved it. I have never felt healthier than when training for a half marathon.
I have now done three half marathons with an average time of 2:46. It’s been four years since my last half marathon, and I am feeling the desire to run another one.
With that going on in my head and the fact that I just want to be healthier, I have been running again. Nothing out of this world, really just one mile runs around the neighborhood. They feel great, and I feel great.
I’ll add mileage as the weeks go by.
I’m excited to be running again. That with biking almost everywhere, working out a few times a week, eating more plants (I’m already vegan but not necesarily always a healthy eater!), and taking care of my mental health, I feel great at 56.
Now onto my fourth half marathon, maybe the Encinitas Half in the spring.