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Fundraising Tip: Year-End Fundraising is Happening Now

And it’s not too late to begin.

Dan Hanley


Author at an event. Photo credit: Author

I just wrote about year-end fundraising earlier this week.

It’s important enough for two articles in one week!

It’s already the end of October.

Before you know it, we’ll be making calls for Thanks for Giving Day.

Then the days just fly by until December 31st.

I know you’re swamped.

Take five minutes today to start planning out your year-end fundraising. You can begin by simply creating an action plan from now until the first week of January.

If you typically send a direct mail piece, start writing it, and check in with your printer to reserve a spot.

Meet with your program teams to think about what stories you might want to tell to donors for all things year-end. That includes e-appeals and phone calls.

What do you want to talk about?

None of this has to take a lot of time. But it does take time, so calendar it.

Once you begin, don’t stop.

Those you serve at your nonprofit depend on a strong year-end fundraising campaign. Small amounts of time between now and then will all pay off.

Take a risk. Be of service. Support your friends and colleagues. Be kind.



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