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Fundraising Tip: Tips for an Amazing Conference
These tips will help you get the most out of the conference you’re planning on attending.
Many of my colleagues and friends in the nonprofit fundraising world are making plans to attend a nonprofit fundriasing conference (or two) this year. Although I won’t be attending many conferences this year, I do have some ideas of how to make them even more amazing for those attending.
My tips for an amazing conference have mostly to do with actions to take once you get home. Conferences are filled with awesome speakers and an endless flow of information, ideas, and actions to take. What happens many times though is that, upon returning to the office, reality sets in and the business of the work takes over. Soon all of the wonderful notes, ideas, and business cards are in a drawer.
Here are my tips to help make your conference even more amazing!
First, keep track of everyone you meet. Take their card, connect with them on LinkedIn, or simply make a list to refer to. Once you get home calendar in contacts for all of them. It could be two or three a day, or a week. Don’t let all of these amazing contacts go. Reach out to them, and plan it.