Member-only story
Fundraising Tip: In-Person Meetings
There is nothing like meeting donors, supporters, and colleagues face to face.
I am thinking about fundraising this morning as I’m meeting a donor today for breakfast at one of my all-time favorite spots in Los Angeles, HomeGirl Cafe.
As I sit waiting for them, my head fills with memories of so many coffees, breakfasts, and lunches I’ve shared here with donors and colleagues in the eight and a half years I have lived here.
This all brings me to the reminder that there is nothing like having a face to face meeting with someone you are in relationship with, or trying to build a relationship with.
Although Homegirl Cafe is a part of a nonprofit themselves (Homeboy Industries), I love meeting donors here for a meal. What typically happens is the donor agrees to whatever type of donation I ask for, while also leaving a donation for Homeboy through their payment of the meal tab. Homeboy was smart enough to ask for a donation on the bill, although for some reason they no longer do this.
Many donors don’t want to, or feel the need to, meet in regard to their giving and are happy with making their annual donation (or more!) with just a conversation or two throughout the year, if that.