Member-only story


Fridays are Business Housekeeping Days

Take time every week to keep the business in shape

Dan Hanley


Me in the center with a big smile on my face, sunglasses on my head, wearing a white shirt. A downtown building is to my right and a street with cars on it is to my left.
Walking downtown after business housekeeping. Photo credit: Author

When I created Altrui Consulting almost three years ago, I knew starting and growing a business would be an always-learning experience for me. I was coming from the world of nonprofit fundraising, and although I had years of experiences in fundraising, the whole idea of running a small business was new to me.

I soon realized that I needed to take time every week to only work on the business. For me, this means no appointments, only business work like spending time in Quickbooks, writing social media posts, and making sure I am up to date on emails.

I chose Friday morning for this.

My day starts the same with feeding the dogs and making my French press coffee. Then I walk into my office and get to work. This habit of focusing time every week on running the business has been important to, and how smooth things feel as the weeks go by. I spend a relaxed morning focused only on the business side of things.

I highly recommend this practice to anyone running their own business, especially for a sole-proprietor like me who is doing all of the work of the business along with running the business.

It’s wonderful keeping my writing up to date, keeping Quickbooks settled (my accountant loves this, too), and taking time to ensure all of my communications are up to date.



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