
Another Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Fundraising Consultant

In a time when it seems consultants are getting a bad rap, I want to remind my connections that I am one.

Dan Hanley
4 min readAug 29, 2024


Author about to meet with a donor. Photo credit: Author

After several years leading nonprofit fundraising teams, in October of 2019 I decided to leave my position at an amazing nonprofit and create Altrui Consulting, my nonprofit fundraising and recruiting consultancy.

I absolutely love everything about nonprofit fundraising, especially the relationship-building.

Which is most of it.

Being a consultant has allowed me to work within several nonprofit missions I love, instead of just one. I focus my work on nonprofits working in immigration and/or refugees, unhoused youth, domestic violence, and animal rights.

Consultants come in all types, skills, expertise, and experience. My success in consulting has been possible in part due to support and kindness of people who were already doing consulting when I began.

There are incredible consultants out there. If looking for one, make sure you take the time to find the right one, with the right experience and personality for you and your organization.



Dan Hanley

I write about nonprofits, fundraising, recruiting, self-care. Human rights, domestic violence, borders, and refugee focused. Sober. Vegan.