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4 Tips for an Attention-Getting Job Description

Update your job description, or do what I did and just start from scratch. Plus a tip for job seekers!

Dan Hanley


Me kneeling in front of a blue trash dumpster, wearing a light blue dress shirt and slacks.Cars parked over my left shoulder.
Author in downtown Denver. Photo credit: Matthew Moodie.

At Altrui we have been supporting clients with recruiting. Although fundraising and donor relationship building are our main focuses, it’s been great working with clients to help create strong teams that will help our work be successful.

Meanwhile, I see a lot of “do this and do that” regarding a resume.

Before I began my work, I looked at dozens of job descriptions and job requirements.

I decided to set these aside and start from scratch.

My first task was to create a better job description. No four pages of duties, simply one page that included what we want from you and what the position will require.

The first couple of items I added for what we want included being ethical and being kind.

Then there was not worrying about things that many seem to worry about. In nonprofit fundraising, a degree is not required. Experience is. I’m much more interested in fundraising and relationship building experience than whether you were able to go to college.



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